Monday, July 30, 2007


Some actors, poor fellows, make us wonder how they manage a straight face doing their on-screen macho stuff. One slices a bullet in half mid-air, one kills an opponent by bouncing a bullet off himself, one lands a heavy punch on the villian with a flicker-n-twist of his moustache, one drags a chair from a few feet away by nothing but mere stylish movement of his fingers - talk of legerdemain! One rewrites the concept of current shock managing to shock the current! Imagine that!!

It doesn't take much (may be a couple of Youtube visits is all is needed) to find out the actors I am talking about. These fellows have a serious credibility issue. Because of the impossibles they made possibles, even their plausibles strike us as improbables. Here is how.

A few days ago when I saw this clip, I burst out laughing. Funny fellow, this hero chap I thought. Not for a second did it occur to me that a doctor performing surgery using nothing but cell-phone lights was possible. And then this odd piece of news appeared on Reuters, some doctors in Argentine did just that.

Well, this doesn't guarantee that I am not going to laugh off Vijaykanth's next movie stunt. As I said, some actors, poor fellows..their onscreen credibility is always a big question mark.

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